Saturday, August 22, 2009

Random Blabs

Hey everyone! I know it's been a long while since I posted. I've been very busy with work. School is starting, so I've been in training all week and all of next. When I get home, I'm too tired to look at the computer..I've been on it all day! HAHA!

Anyway, today I'm going to (yeah) another wedding. I believe this will be the last of this year's list! Pictures will be posted up soon. I'm wearing the same dress that I wore to another wedding this year.....different crowd, so I gotta SAVE!

I'm almost at 50 followers..which means I need to start thinking of some sort of giveaway appreciation.

Have a wonder rest of the day!


  1. We're also planning on doing some kind of contest or giveaway when we hit 50 followers but we still have a long way to go. :P Oh well, at least we can already start gather prizes and what not. :D

    Hopefully I'll be able to write an entry every week or so once school starts. Thank goodness Cookiie and I can help eachother out. ^^

  2. Yay to weddings! Hope you are having an awesome time. :)
